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Is it possible to have a deep intimate relationship, as an atheist, with a catholic person?

Mtnlife 3 Nov 19

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I would say it ould be difficult as by definition the Catholic person would have a world view based on fear.


Possible? Sure.

I want people to stay out of my head and judge me by what I do, not what they think is in my heart, based on their assessment of whatever systems to which I do or do not subscribe--so I apply that same rubric to my regard for others. There have to be more people out there in the world who feel this way, believer or not.

How many there are, and thus the chances of ever meeting them, however...


As long as they don't think "alter boy" is a task.


My dad did, so it must be possible.


It's working for me right now. My girlfriend of 11 months got up and went to mass while I slept in.

BD66 Level 8 Nov 19, 2018

If sex is good, if both are adults willing to respect each other, if none of them ever try to convert the other then its definitely a maybe (In orher words, that's a lot of ifs)


I think it would for a while at least. I also thing eventually it will become a problem.


"Don't try to convert me," I warn prospective, Christian dates.

This works well, except with two men who met just to try to convert me. Flush.


I had such a relationship when I was in my 30’s. Everything about the relationship was beautiful. There was one problem: She wanted to marry a Catholic. She believed I would go to hell without accepting Jesus. I would not become a Catholic. We drifted apart.......


that is entirely up to the individuals involved.



I have been happily married to a devout Catholic for 23 years. We each respect the other's right to believe as we choose. That is all it takes.


Religion shouldn't have anything to do with it as long as you don't think they're an irrational idiot for believing in something so ignorant.

As you can tell, it wouldn't work for me.


It depends on the level of acceptance and open mindedness of the Catholic.... well also the atheist, but mor the Catholic.

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