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I would like to change to another multiverse, I am fed up with this one! check please!

RushinroundWI 5 Feb 10

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Or you could just watch TV.

best show ever! I love it lol

Morbid, but makes sense !


I would too, but with my luck I would end up in the universe that has a Event Horizon type one.

Be careful what you wish for ....???????????


Already did that, not much of a difference, just more bills.


Understood! An advanced state of technology, but no advancement in the reasoning of mankind. Mostly sheep.

Well ... people are people, advanced technology seem to bring the worst in human nature ... at times.


I am a little confused about the word, 'multiverse,' but if it means, you are feeling lost in this current social, operating system... I am on board with you! I find myself trying to find new ways to adjust to our 'present day' and just when I think 'I will weather this thing'...I am tossed back, passed 'square one!' I find myself daydreaming about 'exit holes!' Where are the escape hatches? After I run that over in my mind, I am back to the same old place where I started from! How can I promote human dignity and the freedom to worship at the alter of reason and logic? Will my small efforts to protect the human condition, just be in vain? Have I done all that i promote a safe and respected place for everyone, within this social order? And, then what about the dehumanizing conditions in other parts of this world? This awake tiring! I think that I need a nap now! If Einstein and other 'greats'...found answers in their dreams, maybe I will find an idea there, too! Maybe you will, also?

Just slightly disappointed that with an infinite number of outcomes I am stuck in what appears to be not the most favorable one... and I’m not a spoilt US brat, did experience other less accommodating ways of living in my life....


Sorry for the inconvenience. Please stand by.


@RushinroundWI we are experiencing temporary technical difficulties. If the problem persists please reset your device or call customer service.

That’s gonna be one hard reset there hey ...


I’ve often felt the same … but can’t shake that old adage.. Be careful what you wish for 😉

Varn Level 8 Feb 10, 2018

Not sure if I wished for it or not but that’s what I got ???????????


According to alleged secret government whistle blowers Simon Parkes, Corey Goode, and David Wilcock, among others (seen on YouTube, have websites), the earth is moving into a high energy part of the universe now and people who are at least 50% kind and happy will automatically bump up to a higher dimension (parallel Bible teaching = the "Rapture" ) )

Those whose vibrations aren't high enough stay in the third dimension level and continue on a sub-optimal timeline.

And how would you measure the 50% happiness increase? What’s that distribution gonna look like?

@RushinroundWI Dunno, but they said it was supposed to take place in 2012, but not enough people qualified, so the jump will try again 2018-20. They say that one big, happy event could push enough people into the positive zone to make it happen. They say it almost happened in the 60s, with the love and pot movement, but that it was quickly diverted into harmful drug practices by those trying to stop it. Dunno. That's what they're saying.

@RushinroundWI They say the main thing is to avoid anger at people, events, etc., help others, be kind, and keep a positive outlook, enjoy humor, dancing, music, etc, whatever makes you happy. That's why I stopped watching my news feeds and news on #45, even though they say he is working behind the scenes to stop the international pedophile rings, which they say have infiltrated, and are blackmailing, most of the major world leaders (except for Putin, who hates the Illuminati and kicked the Rothschild's out of Russia, Trump, and Bernie)

It sounds really in the left field. While I have heard this before, I don’t know if it’s reasonable to put too much value in the hopes of shifting into higher vibration. It’s kind of like believing in heaven and I, personally, don’t see validity in that. I sure hope that whatever you think you are moving towards, you do achieve. It doesn’t hurt to stick with a plan of continuing to be a kind good person just for the sake of being one, not in hopes of eternal reward or damnation.

@RushinroundWI I don't know what's true or not..hence my "agnostic" tag, but I also follow Abraham Hicks teachings on YouTube, who teaches the same follow your bliss, which allows what you want, to flow to you, once you stop resisting it.

I don’t begin to comprehend all the possibilities that this existence could be, from tangibly simplistic to a pending ascension to a higher level, energetically alt reality Earth. Who knows, I don’t. I just have to ground myself personally to this Earth whatever it maybe. We all have choices... this one is mine, yours is what YouTube teaching that you choose to follow. Multitude of possibilities. Namaste!

@RushinroundWI I guess all civilizations have predicted this current event, and it's supposed to occur every 25,000 years, or something like that. But being positive and kind is a good idea anyway.


Not until you're done. I see you have at least three galaxies on your plate.

???? yum

@RushinroundWI hashtag: Galactus.

Choking! Help!

@RushinroundWI One Heimlich maneuver coming up. Better?

That didn’t really help, thx to you im prematurely dead or am I?

@RushinroundWI Perhaps this is the inter-dimensional travel you mentioned earlier. Wolf down a galaxy, the collective gas giants condense and form a super-duper nova and voila!


Please, take me with you.

???? departure in 5,4,3....

Yep on the next jet plane!

@RushinroundWI You're leaving with out me!!!

Gosh no! Plenty of space in my rocket for you!

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