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Mogadishu, Somalia and Dallas, Texas - the two biggest shitholes I have ever lived.

In one, you have all these religious nuts walking around with guns, and this crazy look in their eyes....

And then there's Somalia! 🙂

jondspen 7 Nov 20

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@jondspen I'm the exception. Isn't Tennessee like this too? Bummer!

We have guns...but here we use them for hunting, not for intimidation. Of course, we use our cars for hunting too....road kill possum is Taaaassssstttttteeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! 🙂


Polk county here in Florida has a council meeting with citizens training them how to react in a mass shooting situation. The police dept ran it. During the training they encouraged all gun owners to get carry permits! Oy.


Don't get me wrong...I am pro-gun ownership by responsible, thoughtful adults, but most Texans I met were irresponsible owners with a chip on their shoulder. All the people I met doing stuff like this, never served in the military or community services (LEO, fire, first-responder), and they honestly made me very nervous with their casual firearm safety.

@jondspen Where have you been all my life?!?


It is, and truthfully, a sad commentary when there are supposedly more dangerous places in the world (shitholes) where one feels safer than in safe places in the U.S. The only place I have had a gun held on me (been in Asia, Africa and the Mideast and Mexico/Canada) was in San Diego by a cop. I'm a white male. We did have an illegal fire on the beach - a 25 dollar fine at the time.


Sickening ~

Varn Level 8 Nov 20, 2018
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