I know this might sound a bit thick...but exactly is a 'hook-up'?
A personal meeting with the sole intention of having sex. It's Americanism that has made its way over here in part and not widely used especially those of us from a sheltered background. ?
In the US its a derogatory sexist term meant to pass judgment and bestow guilt on women who even suggest they just need to hold someone tonight for whatever their personal reason may be without asking for a lifetime commitment from partners as many women are prone to force other women to do. A holdover from religious teaching regarding personal sex lives.
Casual sex, booty call are some other frequent synonyms.
In English or American?
In English it can mean an agreement to meet up, usually regularly. A sort of casual "getting engaged".
In American it tends to mean a more intimate relationship, long or short time, involving "nookie"
Hey you xx
Agree. Its one of those lost in translation phrases. Like telling Americans you had great craic at the weekend. In Irish it means fun, all thery hear is 'cocaine'.