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Family fun comment of the day:

“Ugh! Why is Starbucks closed?! They’re liberals. They should be open!”

janniegirl 6 Nov 22

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They could curl up and die and I would not miss them


And if they had been open then someone would've said a fun comment of the day on why are they open. They cannot win either way.


They are closed because they care about their employees. Starbucks is overrated anyway, lol. I'm a Liberal and I don't go there because I think their coffee sucks.

Amen. I had a cup of black coffee there. and now I know why they have to put whipped cream and sprinkles, and chocolate, and whatever else they put in their coffee. Their coffee SUCKS!

@maturin1919 nah, brah, the purpose of coffee is to get you undrunk enough to work.

@maturin1919 No, coffee does not suck in general, Starbucks coffee generally sucks.


Starbucks isn't even all that good anyway!


Is this really how you feel,or is it a poor attempt at a joke? I only ask because I am a liberal,and still do not frequent Starbucks simply because I think the prices are too high

I didn’t say it. It was said after dinner by someone else

@janniegirl my apologies?


So why specifically would "liberal" Starbucks take a stand either way? It is a national holiday. They are reasonable to their workers. Not really "liberal" just moral and responsible I would say.

For the record, I certainly don't consider Starbucks "liberal". They just don't get several key things. I'm an unabashed liberal and I have seriously considered boycotting them for some of their positions.

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