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I see a lot of political posts regarding the dumbold trumpet. So I thought I'd ask what as mostly Americans o here is your thoughts and interpretations of the pointless UK leaving the European Union and do you think it'll affect you all with travelling to Scotland.

darien75 7 Nov 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Seems the core issue inspiring ‘Brexit’ was uncontrolled immigration. Same ‘here’ with regard to ‘trump.’ And - both elections were heavily influenced by Russian interference…

Varn Level 8 Nov 25, 2018

I have a friend in the UK and she said "We hardly notice your Trump dear - it's pretty horrible here!". So yes it's awful all around. I'm aware. Even Canadians are unhappy right now.

Not sure there is a country on the planet that's anywhere near happy right now.


It is sad to see how many sheeple on this site appear to support the subversion of Britain's sovereignty by the unelected European Commission.

Initially, Edward Heath defrauded Britain into joining the EEC, the first major step towards globalism and the New World Order. Theresa May continues to perpetuate the fraud, with her unabashed appeasement of the E.U.

Britain should simply withdraw from the E.U. and revert to WTO regulations.


  1. Is it too much to expect that this serious issue could be discussed in a civilized, non-confrontational manner?
  2. Do you believe that an independent Scotland will be more sovereign as a member of the E.U. than it is today?

@darien75 Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

If that election were held again today … what then?


Brexit is horrible. Watching these Tories is no better than watching America falling.


This whole Brexit thing is really straight forward.

Right wing propaganda undermined facts and common sense.
This lead to a party gaining popularity at the expense of a traditional one.
So the latter pandered to the former and had a referendum on whether we should leave the EU.
Misinformation, arrogance and a stupidly formulated outcome scenario (i.e 50.1% of the vote wins) lead to the UK as a whole (Scotland's dissent is duly noted) voting to leave the EU,
The main protagonists then fucked off leaving a lot of stay MPs dealing with Brexit
So we have people with no idea how to sort this out, being criticised by people who don't know how to sort this out. Who if they got a chance to sort this out would show that they too have no idea how to sort this out.
So what will be the outcome?
A deal that not everybody agrees with that will, in time, be modified anyway and in 10 years time will look nothing like the deal we have now (such as it is)
The Tories could get rid of May and have someone else who can't put together a deal that everyone agrees with (Who can?).
The possibility of a another referendum to see if the public, who were mostly duped the first time, agree with a deal that people can't agree on.
In the meantime, Scotland who voted to stay, will now vote to leave (the UK) so they can stay (In the EU)

Hope that cleared things up 🙂

Sounds to me like the Russians won ~


I hate to see it. The EU needs to remain as strong as possible, especially given what's going on here.


I hate how undemocratic the E.U. is. Then again, democracy is already suffering from lack of choice with all these just one bit to the side of centre political parties. I would love to nations as the primary political units again, even with the risk of wars happening again.


UK got their troubles, I got mine.


I think Brexit will end up being a big mistake.


I'm don't know enough of the details, including the new deal made, to form an opinion on how it will affect the US.

My general opinion, based upon limited knowledge, is that it could have been a good thing, if its purpose and result was to bypass the regulations and restrictions of the European Union, but continue the free flow of trade, capital, and labor. From my understanding, though, that is not what's in the new agreement. It seems to be that the new deal will keep all the regulations and restrictions, and limit the free flow of labor, capital, and trade.

So, if it's bad for the UK, then it is probably bad for the US?

@darien75 Is it true that Theresa May is negotiating the Brexit deal for the UK? If so, isn't it weird that the UK appointed someone who was against Brexit to negotiate it?

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