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Stupid people: they are the bane of human existence. However, I'm profoundly uncomfortable saying whose life is worth living, and whose isn't. So I find myself in a bit of an ethical dilemma when some idiot looks over at me and says: β€œHere, hold my beer!”

Benthoven 8 Nov 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Look... Just pass the "Smite Button" over to me then... πŸ˜‰


They’re even more destructive within a Democracy, beer or not πŸ˜•

Varn Level 8 Nov 25, 2018

Human evolution has been speeding up, I think the species may have split but we can't see it on the outside and a lot of breeding has mixed it up. I do not see people with an IQ of 80 and someone with a 160 IQ as being the same species anymore. While there may not be as big a difference for most of us the fact is that on the ends of the scales of human intelligence lay 2 different creatures.

That’s the first I’ve heard of such an hypothesis … deep, and disturbing..


You said it.


They are here in droves! and they don't even know they are stupid. Life is a conundrum.

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