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It still drives me nuts. Call me a grammar nazi, I don't care. It will always drive me nuts. I have a cousin who is a teacher and it's not at all uncommon to see her make such mistakes. I can't help it, it drives me nuts!!!

daylily 8 Nov 25

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i seen that.

(that drives me crazy! who the hell gets all the way through the second grade and says "i seen"?)

today i saw someone talk about a "mute" point, too. it wasn't mute; i was quite vocal about it.

on tv i always hear people say "two times" instead of twice and "more good" instead of "better." (are we having a war on comparatives? is "twice" being phased out? i still say "thrice"!)



You could of not used two comma splices in you're post, that would have made it fewer ironical. And I doesn't capitalize nazi either, screw 'em.


Me too. ♥


Drives me crazy too. If English is your first language it should not be hard to avoid these mistakes. My other pet peeves: when people use "crazy" or "insane" when they really mean "amazing" or "incredible"; or say "try and" when they should say "try to" (e.g. "I am going to try and find you" rather than "I am going to try to find you" ).


At least it makes the catfishers easier to identify.

...And the Conservatives.

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