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Prove all things....1 Thessalonians 5:21

The thing about can't be proven..

Realist9 6 Nov 25

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Ah, Saul of Tarsus, the ultimate con man!


There are other concepts of faith. The word is used to refer to more than just one thing.
Paul Tillich said faith is just a concern with ultimate reality. I’m not sure any kind of concern can be proven, or need be; it’s about as subjective as it gets. Seems to me wanting to know ultimate reality and proving all things would be mutually supportive processes.

skado Level 9 Nov 26, 2018

Interesting, I've never heard anything like that. In my corner of the world..gullible means believing
things without proof, naive means believing things without proof, and faith means believing things without proof, that was my experience.

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