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If someone came to your house and told you someone is trying to kill me would you let him or her in?

Anonbene 8 Nov 26

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Yes, of course.

Is it taking a chance? Yes, but a small one.

Refusing means living in a society where people don’t help others in need. And that’s a 100% risk, if you decide that route.


Sadly, no. I'm not going to compromise my sons' emotional state of mind nor their well-being for ONE person! In a situation like this, I have a few seconds to determine which outcome will result in less carnage. My sons will always take precedence.

If it's just me in my house, also no. Homeowner's insurance doesn't cover damage to my home or household goods due to bullets. I don't have the patience to go through civil court. I hope you have life insurance?


I live in the middle of BFE & my property is posted. Banging on my door & screaming..they will hear that slide cock through the door. Fuck around too much & they could have a bad case of lead poisoning.


Nah we lock them in the neighbor's garage so that we can honestly say they aren't here when the murderer shows up.

Also give them a portable phone and call the cops myself.

Dilemma solved.

I'm helpful but I do not want to die.

Yes if it's someone I know they can use me as a meat shield.


If I haven't heard any gun shots, screaming, or fighting before they knocked on my door, then I would tell them to hide in the bushes or the wooded section behind my apartment building while I call 911.


Maybe 40 years ago but not now...HELL no!

Xena Level 6 Nov 26, 2018

Of course. As long as they were able to pass the 200lb great pyrenees named Olaf approval test.


I have had the experience of having someone I know come to my door in a panic seeking shelter from a potentially murderous spouse and I absolutely let them in and I would have defended them to my death. But some randomer from the street? Gametime decision. Not enough information to decide. Doesn't mean I'd do nothing.

well...knowing the person is quite different than if a stranger did it


I feel like a fair few movies have included this premise and letting them in didn't work out well for anyone but the killer, so... Definition of insanity and all...


I live in a security building. I might let somebody into the lobby and call the cops for them.

I live in a building like that but would NEVER let anyone in the lobby if I didn't know them. Many men have tried in many ways to get in here but most of us are too savvy to fall for their tricks.


Man I wish I didn't live next door to meth dealers. 😟 I have a feeling that's 100% of the reason why this question is hard for me to answer.)

Very honest. It's always a tough choice.

Right? I'm like, well... If I didn't live next to a flop house...




Interesting hypothetical, but no responsible/honest way to answer it. My first response without thinking would be, yes. Then I start laying on those all too obvious qualifiers and it becomes a complex issue with no simple answer.


what do you mean there's no honest way to answer? I would NOT let them in

@Xena -- No honest answer for me. I was giving my response. I don't happen to share the fear of most, so my response would vary based on all the different conditions possible. It could be anything from just opening the door all the way to barring the door and calling the police.

@evidentialist Let's also remember that women are prey. You are what appears to be a large male with a beard. Chances are you won't be raped and murdered.


It's an interesting hypothetical question, but there are simply too many variables to make a decision. It would depend on my intuitive impression of his/her sincerity and whether I find him/her physically imposing.

people can play some very convincing games when they want in


Yes, as I live in Australia, not so sure I would do the same if I lived in the US.


yes. I love my neighbor more than I fear my neighbor. I also stop and help with broken down cars, even in the rough neigborhood.

I always stop and offer help to broke down cars during the daytime. At night I would have to see the circumstances. Women kids on the side of the said then yes.


" someone " wouldn't do for me . Best friends , yes . No problem . He / she can move in along w cats / dogs / frogs / whatever . The plan of action will be developed fast and I ll give every penny I have to get best security / law / whatever it takes . No friend of mine will suffer or be scared alone . I ll figure it out some how , I always do .


No, you have the wrong address. This is not the police station.

skado Level 9 Nov 26, 2018
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