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I work in a recycling warehouse remanufacturing printer cartridges. We encourage customers to keep our boxes and return their empties in them so they can be reused as well, and I can either reuse the plastic cores to build a new one or ship it to HP to be disposed of. Last week in one of the boxes I found this muslim invocation and hung it on my door just to see how long it'd take for anyone to notice.

The only people who spend much time at the warehouse working with me are the franchisee, who I think is a republican atheist, and a christian store manager. This morning when I came in, it was turned around to the blank white side. I've clearly made the christian uncomfortable. Wonder how long it's gonna take before he asks if I've converted or reports me to ICE ?

Wurlitzer 8 Nov 27

Enjoy being online again!

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How has a simple invocation for children become such a threat in our country? I bet if it was some zen or buddhist saying or any other similar thing, it would not have drawn attention at all...

Please don't lose your job over this...people have become quite hostile lately....

Yeah nah Ive been workin with these guys for 6 or 7 years. They know me well enough that it wouldnt come to that, I just have fun pickin on em sometimes haha. And if they did try to fire me over an expression of religion Id sue the shit out of em, joke or not ?

@Wurlitzer good to hear...


I Read the invocation I don't understand it it sounds pointless

Well damn, are you sure? I figured it would solve all our problems. Back to the drawing board I guess shrugs with a cheeky grin

I suppose it always reminds them Someone is looking at them Someone they need to for their survival.


Oh well, it could have been worse. It might have been the Watchtower magazine!


Wow, imagine being threatened by a piece of paper. Keep us updated on this saga, I want to know where it goes! ? do you work in the US?

Remi Level 7 Nov 27, 2018

Yep Northeast Tennessee.


So how long did it take?

I can't remember when I found it exactly; I wanna say tuesday or wednesday last week. So it took the better part of a week haha.

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