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This site is distracting. I have things to do and I keep looking up from my work to find I'm on this site again. Then I start browsing groups and members. Ya'll are some sexy beasts. Well, some more than others, I'm not naming names. Let's be friends people! We can cuddle later.

ponderingatheist 7 Nov 28

Enjoy being online again!

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I try not to be but I just can't help it!


We know, we know.


I occasionally end up getting sucked into this site while I should be working. For instance, right now


A lesson in how to NOT make friends and influence people.

Whaaaa? Did I say something wrong?

@Donotbelieve Maybe so, maybe not, but it has the potential to alienate.

@Donotbelieve I'm not so sure about all.

@Donotbelieve Sorry, I can't help being a realist.

@nvrnuff To be honest, I was only referring to myself as the less than group. If anyone felt that my statements were directed at anyone specific, well... no. If you feel alienated by being referred to as a sexy beast. I don't know what to tell you. I'm going to be honest here, @Donotbelieve is, in my opinion, on the sexier than you side. That's not a slam on you, you're still a sexy beast, I just happen to be hetro and tend to find women far more attractive than I do men. If you choose to take that personal, that's your choice. I guess I would also argue that anyone that is sensitive enough to feel attacked by that statement isn't going to blend well with my personality anyway and I'm not too hurt by their lack of desire to be around me. I'm going to be me, and I'll do it wearing a smile.

@ponderingatheist People are racing for their safe spaces right now.

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