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I am not sure what this site is about, but that too can be said about life. I only looked at it properly last night and all I see is good people frustrated with a society that tries to force religion on us. Is that what someone needs? It has NEVER been what I need. All I need is water and oxygen... I find Pooh is very helpful ever since I read a book by Benjamin Hoff in 1993...I was giving up cannabis, realizing I was alcohol dependent, all of this as I accept the fact I can't carry on going back to the first love of my life. Yeah Pooh didn't stop me getting a heroin habit, almost every other drug and many behavioral errrr..."things" MY addiction to music and good positive people got me through. Does anyone really need negative vibes? How many of life's great thinkers trusted in something so ridiculous. People can use their religion for whatever they WANT, just don't put a leaflet in my face about how He can save Me if you don't want me to tell you how even though He would be a She, doesn't exist, and couldn't save Me even if I had something to be saved from and wanted saved. Good Gosh it feels good to say without worry of offending the ignorant. Peace, Love and Harmony.

Rosspurr 3 Nov 29

Enjoy being online again!

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