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I apologise for my previous post. I was speaking out of anger without putting logic behind it. I had just watched a video about childhood onset Hunigtons Dieseas which I didn't even know kids could suffer from. And one of the couples pissed me off because even though the father carried the gene which destroyed pretty much all of his side of the family And he knew he had the gene him and his wife had kids. They now have three kids who all have childhood onset Hunigtons Disease. I don't think that people shouldn't be allowed to have kids or that kids with diseases don't have value. I myself have a disorder that greatly affects my life and sometimes I'm angry at my own parents who knowingly passed on dangerous genes. I'm angry because they cared more about the idea of having kids than what they were risking putting their child through. My anger was misdirected and I'm sorry for any offense anyone had. I really am. I shouldn't have pushed my own issues out on others in such a viotole way.

HeathenWoman 6 Nov 30

Enjoy being online again!

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What previous post? ...... (In other words, forgotten, gone, it's all good)


Missed the comment,it must have been a doozie?


I hear you. I had a friend whose first two were severely autistic. In spite of that, she had four more: one with no problems at all, another autustic/mentally challenged, and two with Asperger’s.
It’s not that challenged kids are not valuable/worthy of life; they are...but she put her desire to be big earth mama before all else.


Huntington’s is a dominant gene. These people knew thier children had a 50% chance of developing the condition. They rolled the dice. It’s incredibly unfortunate in this instance and if it was me I would not have children. I just can’t make make judgments for other people. I do understand you completely and didn’t take your post negatively.

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