What is the difference between a blog, a forum or a group?
Blog: short for web log. Thoughts or stories shared online by an individual or sometimes a business.
Forum: a site on the internet where subscribers can participate, whether constantly or intermittently present, in an ongoing discussion or conversation on a particular topic.
Group: usually the entity from which the forum or chat room is fed.
Very nice. It looks like there are no web logs on here.
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a blog is one person's rant, although it may be pictures of that person's knitting projects or pets. a forum is (online) a place for members of the forum to express themselves and interact. a group can mean many things depending on where you find it; in a forum, a group is a specialized subforum where people have a common interest or characteristic besides the one, if any, that applies to the forum. humanist.coin/agnostic.com is a forum for atheists, agnostics, etc. call them ags. there are groups here for ags who like cats, ags who are into classical music, ags who hate celery... okay not that yet but i could make one. there are groups for republican ags and democratic ags and probably for apolitical ags to get together and talk about how apolitical they are. blogs are not a thing here. some people have them and they might link to them here, but the site doesn't offer blogging as a feature.