I don't hold many grudges anymore. I can't, my memory is shit these days!
Sounds like a certified case of CRS.
(can't remember shit)
Forgetting is just another way of not letting perpetrators keep you painful
I guess my memory is often challenged these days. But I have always avoided negative energy...
It’s the weed...lol
@pepperjones i was just kidding anyways...lol
@pepperjones Don't you mean that you don't inhale? ?
Oh hey, remember that $500 you owe me?
@pepperjones Oh, sweet! OK, if I go ahead and spend it now?
Take notes but don't forget where you put them lol
The fridge gets my vote...but kids can complicate this. "Ralph doesn't like ass-play" is not something you want them staring at every morning...