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Seeing a lot of posts by white males (naturally) about how feminism hurts their feelings, and so it's bad, and that their feelings should be catered to. What a joke. Grow a pair - of breasts. Then try to understand it's not about you, and feminists aren't here to babysit you.

PolyWolf 7 Dec 2

Enjoy being online again!

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I can't possibly respond to the threads here - but can I say when I see white men complain in any fashion about feminism I think - "Guys the world is geared to you and always has been!".

Dear dawg in heaven don't complain when we ask for a bit of fair treatment! Because we sure as hell don't have the ERA. Or haven't you noticed that yet?!

We are so far from "There" yet. And we're going backwards rapidly right now.
There are women who have to travel from their own States right now for birth control!

If you have a women friend; or: a mother, a sister or a daughter - ask them about it - They'll tell you. You only have to ask sincerely.

You do not want me to go into #MeToo stories again. You just don't. They start at age 11. (Well earlier than that if you count the Catholic Priest).
That all needs to change.
Yes it does happen to men too. But no where near as often.

Don't try to deny that it's time for change. Because it full on is. Just because it's not part of your own experiences - doesn't mean that crap isn't happening.


Hey sweet man @PolyWolf. You started a shit storm! Lol.


I have been blocking the sexists so I may be missing it. 😀


Nobody can explain to me why it's bad for me if women were treated the same way as men, however I can see how it would be bad for me if men were treated like women.

JimG Level 8 Dec 2, 2018

Feminism has contributed significantly to the betterment of not just women, but humanity. But, like any other ideology, it can be abused. Personally, I have zero respect for people who bash the totality of a movement that has served us this well. At the same time, I don't think anything should be immune to criticism and questioning.


Good post.... Get ready for comments from trolls..


thoughts & prayers to the white males


How about some links to these posts you speak of?

I never see them either anymore but I used to. I presume it's because Ive shouted enough of them down that most of the conservatives have me blocked. The site's so peaceful now, just lovely 🙂





Also thank you for speaking up. I know many men who feel the same but aren’t comfortable actually speaking up and being an advocate for women.

And those who do frequently pimp smack the kinda people who are talkin shit, are quickly put on the conservative groups' blacklist. I very rarely see stuff like this anymore now that Ive been blocked by most of em, and myself blocked a few others. Highly recommend it 😀

@Wurlitzer I’m not sure I followed all that

@Marcie1974 those of us comfortable speaking up for women are blocked by the kind of person who posts that shit, or we've already done so n blocked em ourselves. Just another contributing factor if you don't see many people speakin up. Or the whole don't feed the trolls principle but if I see em I usually can't help myself lol. Most conservative homophobes and mysogynists have me blocked at this point, highly recommend it. A very peaceful intelligent community is all I usually see remaining.

@Wurlitzer ahhh thank you for clarifying. I often fall into the trap of trying to educate the trolls. Obviously they don’t want to be educated so all I do is end up getting pissed off. Until someone kindly reminds me that I don’t need to comment on their idiotic posts. At which point the lightbulb goes off (again) that I’m playing right into their hands.


Thank you!! I’ve made a few posts and these poor put upon white men feel they need to comment that they feel like they can’t even shake hands with a woman for fear of being accused of sexual harassment.

Buck the hell up! If you can’t tell the difference between a respectful touch and a creepy one....then you’re the exact asshole that needs to shut the hell up and listen! Comprehend. Perhaps show a little compassion!


Boy, aren't women so lucky they have you to stand up for them.

How's this working out for you? Pretending to be strong pro woman to get laid. People aren't stupid, they can see right through what you are trying to do.

Wow, that’s what you got from his post? sighs

actually dude, he may be a sexual being, but he sure as fuck doesn't need to pretend to be something he's not to get laid. maybe you should try it sometime.... wait, being yourself won't get you laid, sry

I actually know @polywolf. .. He's not pretending about anything here. You, on the other hand, need some help with your issues lol

You are part of the problem.

What's wrong with a guy being pro-woman? Are you so little of a man that you cannot support women?

@BlackDove here’s my theory. Some Men are afraid of women and other marginalized people becoming equal because some men know the way they act towards and think about women and marginalized people. Some men don’t want to be treated that way in return. However they do want the right to continue to treat others that way.

Again...just my 2 cents.

@Marcie1974 You're so right. If women and others were equal to them there would't be anyone for white men to treat like shit.

So typical. You poor thing, you feel attacked so you have to attack back. @polywolf is the strong one, he's standing up not whining.

I have yet to meet a sincere person who virtue-signals like this, at random, in a public forum. That's something an attention seeker does, in my book.

@BlackDove @Jolanta @Marcie1974

Not sure how you got me not supporting women, or being part of the problem, out of me calling someone else insincere in his comments. It is literally impossible to follow any kind of logic to your stated conclusion about me.

I based my comment on two things:

  1. As I have already stated, I know more than one person who makes virtue signaling posts like these at random, in public forums, and to a person each of them is insincere and/or has ulterior motives. I have also never met a sincere person who ever felt the need to publicly broadcast, at random, his or her virtues. That is something only attention-seekers do in my 47 years of experience.

  2. PolyWolf posts and comments on photos of nude and semi-nude women on this very website. For me, it is rather difficult to take a man who does that, and claims to be pro feminist, very seriously.


Don't blame your failures on me.

Maybe you think obvious virtue-signaling on a public forum, AFTER posting and commenting on photos of nude and semi-nude women is a sign of sincerity. But where I come from, we tend to doubt the sincerity of any man who objectifies women in one breath, and then makes a public show of supporting feminism with the next breath. In fact, I call those people hypocrites, or an attention-seeker at best.

But defend him if you like. Just make sure you've got all your facts before you start being a dick to total strangers.


I just have a very difficult time reconciling a man who posts and comments on photos of nude and semi-nude women on one hand, and then on the other randomly and publicly virtue-signals his pro-feminist views. Everyone I have ever known who does that is seeking attention/approval. Not to mention that I have never met a sincere person who ever felt the need to just randomly virtue-signal to a public audience. It's just suspect in my book - especially given what I just said about his history of posts and comments concerning women.

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, well ....

@Piratefish considering I'm the host of the group he is posting in, and I'm a woman, and I comment on pics as well, ... Should I continue....


You don't see the very obvious conflict between objectifying women in one breath, and then professing to be pro-feminist with the next breath? It's like making a racist statement and then turning around and saying you're against racism - out of the blue - in public. The two are at odds with each other. Just about everyone I know would see it that way, too. At the very least, it casts doubt on anyone's sincerity who plays both sides of the fence. For me, it is difficult enough to believe anyone who is sincere would actually feel the need to just randomly virtue-signal on a public forum. I have literally never met anyone who does that, other than attention-seekers.

So, yes, I am still having a very difficult time reconciling the two. And what you do or say has zero bearing on what PolyWolf does. Although I am still mystified how anyone can objectify women AND be pro-feminist at the same time. Seems to me doing one would preclude the other.

@Piratefish men like women... Women like men... They each comment on each other. Its natural... He hasn't said anything inappropriate in my group about men or women or in other groups I've seen him ...

@Piratefish MY failures? what do you mean by that? where YOU come from can't define everyone. just because someone posts or comments on a picture of a nude or semi-nude picture doesn't mean they don't have a respect for women. remember, all these pictures were taken (hopefully) with consent

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