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I was at dinner with my son and two grandchildren. They all attend a catholic church and have started saying the prayer of St. Michael at th end of the mass. I guess this prayer asks for protection against "the devil". My grandson asked mom and dad, does the devil exist. Being catholic they responded with a resounding "yes". I was really upset that they would brain wash my grandchildren with some bizarre notion that an external demon is attempting to influence our behavior. Help! Any ideas on helping to counter act this.

Marktzu 6 Dec 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Buy them fossils and science books. It's the gateway drug for athiesm.

Thanks! You just helped me decide on their X-mas presents.


Good luck to you and your family.. If all else fails, try Black Sabbath and acid.


With you there, don't worry one day they will see threw the charade.

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