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I have just been sent the following by a good friend:

FrayedBear 9 Dec 3

Enjoy being online again!

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if only humans were that wise!

...& i couldn't actually care less whether the observation is correct, or whether this is just a concept, the notion that beings could be kind & considerate in their social encounters.


Alas: [www]

Good call. Thanks. I've sent it back to my informant.


I've seen that several times on facebook, and the analysis has been discredited.


When I went to Standing Rock two years ago I helped in the kitchen. The first night, I was cutting up some ham to put into a pot of beans when the young man put his hand on my shoulder and told me to go eat. I had just head the call that dinner is served and saw all the children and elders line up and I wasn't finished with my task yet, but he urged me to get in line as I was an elder (66 at the time) and elders and children are served first. Native Americans have a lot to teach us as well.

The captioning has been discredited.

However, I have seen what you experienced at the feast after the 24-hour vigil at the statue of Massasoit for the Wampanoag Day of Mourning. I saw only men in the kitchen, and as far as I could tell, only younger men. When it came time for honoring dances, veterans came first, then other elders, then... I forget the rest, but everyone was honored at some point... from elders barely able to walk to toddlers newly walking.

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