Today I shall be invigilating an exam and marking then having a weekend off. This will be mostly made up of cooking and cleaning, usual doctoral work (not bragging). What are you all up to?
I'll be crumbling cheesy Wotsits over 10th century monastic manuscripts.
Nice...ya wally!
That's just evil.
Work today, and work all weekend, and work everyday. Since we own a business that is just about 24/7/365, we rarely have time to go out and have fun (until we get to a point where we can hire an employee, which considering the high minimum wage, we just can't right now). On the other hand, we work with pets (mostly dogs) so it's not that bad. My SO does most of the on the ground stuff (dealing with the animals and construction and repairs, clearing snow). I mostly handle the "business end" like bookings, paperwork, advertising. Hey, how bad can it be when I get to snuggle and play with animals and take pictures and videos of them everyday (and post them on my business pages on social media so their people can see their pets while they're away).
Continuing to provide work for the likes of you! I'm doing five open book assessments, although the be fair, some are quite small. Right now though (one assessment 90% done) off to see Spiderman Spiderverse.
This is my first weekend off since early August and work have already asked me to come in, despite the policy nobody get disturbed when on booked leave.
A friend (a silk screen artist) built a studio with a bathroom. For the sink/vanity in the bathroom she adapted an old dresser cabinet into which she installed an oval sink. After several years the top of the dresser has become delamination from exposure to water. So I'm making her a new top from red oak with meny coats of sealer to water proof it. It's nearly done. One more coat to go.
So beautiful! Love the rich color.
It’s slow at work so I got laid off...doing laundry and later file for unemployement assistances...lazy ?
I make Christmas candies and that is what will be happening all day sunday with my daughters. We will be making several flavors of fudge like chocolate, orange, cotton candy. We will also be making several flavors of divinity. And then some other things we call haystacks which are basically a peanut butter butterscotch yumminess.
Ooh fab
The weapons have been chosen, let the battle commence.
I've just been to the middle daughter's first Nativity (she's in Reception - so damned cute), now at work verifying a technical report. Saturday will be Dad Taxi ferrying kids around the place as Darling Soon To Be Ex-Wife doesn't drive, then of to a mate's Chrissy party to get fairly drunk.
Just fairly drunk?
@Amisja I have to look after kids again Sunday morning, so yeah, only fairly drunk. Can't deal with being properly hung over with kids jumping all over me. Price of old age, I guess.
@MrBeelzeebubbles you are not old cherub
@Amisja I know, I just like to whinge. But ever since 30, hangovers have a whole extra dimension of crippling pain and existential angst that I just can't be dealing with.
@MrBeelzeebubbles I will tell you what to do. Before bed you need something sweet, something like fudge. Then drink at least 1/2 litre of water and two paracetamol. You'll be fine
@MrBeelzeebubbles oh man, does that bring back memories !?
Also, WDWLAH, who is also the twin to The Boy Biker, and I are working on enlivening up his CV which he is forwarding to companies for a work placement next year.
We think thing which would be far more likely to get people attention are his REAL skills
@OwlInASack alternative energy and turbine development, thanks for asking. It's work experience for three months for his second year in Engineering Studies. Ideally he wants to be a wind turbine technician.
I am exhausted! So this week, Pappy, my father in law, has been in the proces of buying a new house in town, which involves trips to the Notaire, solicitor . as he is now nervous of driving in rain, mist, bright sunshine, muddy conditions, daylight, darkness.......he rings me up to know if I can take him in, and then collect him. Plus I have been working to 23.00 three nights this week, so I get up around 09.00 deal with him, read an email or two, grab lunch - wonderful Daughter Who Lives At Home makes my packed lunch - then go to work . WDWLAH looks after the house, cats, cooks for us and makes sure there is clean laundry each week.???