Is anybody on this site going to post an intelligent comment, ?
Considering that most on the website are left wing liberals probably not unless you go to the conservative atheist group.
where all the post are checked over by spiketalon to correct the spelling mistakes and grammar errors. The conservative group is a funny but hateful group that want to harm most everyone outside of their little group.
@Trajan61 One need not be a liberal to see that the conservative atheist groups are indeed hateful. Also, a surprising majority are incredibly ignorant for a bunch of people who continually claim how much smarter they are than everyone else.
They are incapable of offering reasoned, logical, and factual defenses of their positions, and go straight to ad hominem attacks and insults instead.
They're generally guilty of the same kind of hypocrisy as believers.
They have no credibility, and make themselves appear to be quite ridiculous.
Yep, that's the name of that tune.