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This is the most snow I can remember since the blizzard we got in 93 or maybe 94. Oh well, when life gives you lemons and ice, make lemon ice. We're on a gravy train with biscuits wheels apparently ? I sure wish I had some liquor but as long as the bud and electricity hold out Ill be fine. If I had a bottle of whiskey to warm up on Id be taking a spare car hood n sliding down my hill one mo gain for old times sake.

Wurlitzer 8 Dec 9

Enjoy being online again!

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I think it's beautiful and love it! Then again I live in the tropics so that could be why I find it appealing lol


In Fredericksburg, VA we weren't supposed to get anything. Now we have about 5" on the ground and supposedly 8"-10" before it's all finished later tonight.


I was just entertained for around 20 minutes as the neighbor guy got home from ..somewhere with his big white Chevy 4WD PU. Sideways, and nearly into another neighbors yard & oak tree. My baby’s parked in the garage, couldn’t get out if my life depended on it, but the best the neighbor could do was plow his into his yard across from me..

Varn Level 8 Dec 9, 2018

No whiskey for that lemonade? ?


Just freezing rain a little further south.

Buxx Level 7 Dec 9, 2018

Damn that might be worse if the ice is stickin to roads. I havent been to Memphis yet but spent plenty of time in Knoxville Nashville Bristol. Chattanoogas my favorite city in Tennessee of the bunch. Bout the chillest place in the mountains I can think of other than Ashville NC.

A few trucks have made it down off the hill so far but had to park at the bottom n walk back to their house on their way back in apparently. Looks like the snowfall is slowing but its gotta be 2 ft deep in some places. Theres a blazer and 2 CRVs under here somewhere.

@Kattywampus69 I'm in Maryville, near Knoxville, and we got some but not more than 2 inches.

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