The NYT magazine asserts that atheism is just another religion:
“John Gray puts it this way: “Religion is an attempt to find meaning in events, not a theory that tries to explain the universe.” It exists because we humans are the only species, so far as we can know, who have evolved to know explicitly that, one day in the future, we will die.”
I agree that religion is not primarily about trying to explain the universe, but I think it’s about a lot more than just a pursuit of meaning. It’s true that we may suffer from a perceived lack of meaning, and religion can indeed help with that, but that is not the only cause of suffering religion offers help for. It also addresses the suffering caused by greed, envy, jealousy, pride, despair, and so forth.
Seems to me a more encompassing definition of religion might be:
Whatever practice an individual or group uses to reduce the amount or severity of suffering they create for themselves or others.
This would include the suffering caused by perceived meaninglessness, without ignoring all the other sources of suffering.
There, Andrew; FYP.
Oh dear what a silly person.
If I make any other comment it will such a tirade of obscenities I'm like to have the thought police after me.
False, but a natural mistake. Most citizens, including apparently the author, are unacquainted with the practice of critical thought. Nor do they even know someone who is.