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Just a thought.
I know quite a few who really need to learn this.

Not often, but sometimes I have to remind myself this too.

TristanNuvo 8 Dec 10

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Sometimes even when you earn something, for various and sometimes "unfair" reasons, you don't get it.

Passing through life with very loosely-held expectations is the best bet.

I agree, it's happened to me as well.
I try to keep my drive high, but my expectations on the lower side.


A lot of people responding to this in monetary terms. Are you sure that was the intent of the original poster? There are many ways to earn things ?

I can understand why some take it that way, but that was not my intent.
An example; i really wanted to get my degree in computer Science, I wasn't entitled to it, I had to apply myself and learn.


What about those who can't Earn it. According to you we need to adopt the practice of certain Inuit tribes: send the old and infirm people out to die. You may like that until your time comes. As far as I can see, we don't need you now, so go for a long walk into the unknown


Self-awareness is key. Good to reflect/meditate or whatever we want to call it


Our government always told us that, especially when there were no jobs.


Eh. There's more to it than that. This usually only goes for poor people.


I agree.

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