8 13

Well, that escalated quickly.

BufftonBeotch 8 Dec 10

Enjoy being online again!

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I have read about three dimensional printers that make guns. They are great 🙂


Colt cozies!


Cool. Pistol warmers.


I'm guessing these are made from doilies, cast perhaps? Toy pistols? It would be cool if they smoked like cap guns.

Why the title?

Twitter tweet early am.

He spelled "Smoking Gun" as "smocking gun" twice in the same tweet.

@BufftonBeotch Smock: A boy or man with a small cock. Very very small cock. (Urban Dict.)

I don't pay attention to tweets.

I just like to jump into conversations not knowing a thing about the topics. L2m

@AstralSmoke I am not on Twitter at all.

But this has been commented on all day on other news shows and sites. It was sometime around 6am est because that is when i am getting ready for work and all the heads were laughing.

@BufftonBeotch @pepperjones I have to admit this is a very interesting word. It's one that produces unlimited meanings. It seems to be a very valuable word.

Smocking is body painting for sexual gratification. While the majority of body painting is done for artistic reasons, smockers belong to the subgroup that's just interested in getting their kicks. Normally either a negative or playful context, smockers aren't generally considered artists.
She thinks he wants to use her as the canvas for his next masterpiece, but he's just smocking.

and one of my favorite ones:
Smocking is when you're too lazy to proofread or too dumb to accept you've written it wrong.
Democrats can’t find a Smocking Gun tying the Trump campaign to Russia after James Comey’s testimony. No Smocking Gun.

Two things are bad for your health: Smocking and covfefe.

Both of these and others are found at []


Hilarious and sad at the same time.


I'd love to cast those in iron!


A couple of stocking stuffers 😕

Varn Level 8 Dec 10, 2018

Or is it Stoking Stuffers?

@BufftonBeotch ..or maybe stalking stuffers 🙂


Happiness is a warm gun ...

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