So, I'm over 8 months pregnant. I have had a wonderfully uneventful pregnancy. The last week or so, though, I cannot stop sobbing.
This is NOT my usual state.
I realize that it's predominantly hormonal, as there are no exacerbating factors, but it still really sucks.
This guy is trying to make me feel better. What a good boy. Oh, shit, even his cuteness is making me cry. WTF?!
Congratulations on the soon to be! Hopefully the tears will cease once you give birth. Best wishes.
The last trimester is just crazy. No sleep, back aches, and hormones jumping around. Congratulations on your upcoming new baby.
@Donotbelieve hormone surge I suppose. So glad you are sleeping and back is ok.
Nothing to do with being pregnant, you are living in the USA, your president is a criminal, male chauvinist, lying douche-bag and people are still finding reasons to support and make excuses for him. He is like some kind of living religion, you know he's crap he even says he is crap but the apologists just keep spinning it in to something utterly stupid that they can get behind and claim is the best thing in the universe.
No wonder you are crying all the time.
It will be over soon. Then the real fun begins. Hang in there.
I felt this feeling of insecurity about the world when I saw the ad for diapers. I so wanted to meet the baby, but I was very afraid. I had a hard pregnancy, and I constantly wanted to get rid of the feeling of clumsiness. Constantly going to the toilet and sitting on a chair for no longer than an hour is difficult to wash the dishes, and your stomach rests in all corners. The only thing that saved me was the massage and the back that relaxed the lower back and muscles. I so wanted to sleep on my back and bend into a bagel, but I suffered the last trimester from the inability to do this.
You have a lovely cuddle buddy. Xox he will watch over you. Mine do
@Donotbelieve these guys like sitting many ways that are unconfortable. Worst is when they want to sit on lap when i want to do something. The white one xena is always trying ti help
@Donotbelieve I'm sure what your bladder needs right now is more pressure.
Chauncey is all "How can I help?" - good kitty! Extra cuddles. Ginger and whites are special.
Hormones are epic. And unreasoning. Remember puberty anyone? We survived that ride. This is just a totally new and unexpected one. (Fifth kid and it's NEW? WTH Universe?) Hang in there.
Also will this be the first "Agnostic Baby"? Inquiring minds want to know.... .
@Donotbelieve Oh I'm not that noisy - I meant for the Site! Is it our first baby for the site since we started?
But that's pretty epic too. In your own life a wonderful first!
Chauncey deserves treats for sure. Or snuggles. Snuggles are also good.
You'll be through that before you know it. I'm betting lack of sleep is a contributing factor. Keep us posted!
Hang in there. I’m an emotional person to begin with, when I was pregnant with my daughters I’d sob at every sappy commercial on tv lol
@Donotbelieve oh I can imagine! Lol. If you aren't used to being a crier I'm sure it's difficult to deal with.
@Donotbelieve sorry, I'm giggling that you typed "fucking tear drop." lol.....for me it would be odd to NOT cry at things. My picture would say "no fucking tear drop."
@Donotbelieve look on the bright side, you could be puking instead of crying....
You poor thing. ?
It's temporary. You'll be fine.
Firstly, congratufuckinglations!!
Secondly, I've only experienced the hormonal weirdness of pregnancy second-hand (duh), but the sobbing-at-the-drop-of-a-hat is pretty par for the course.
My ex used to get adrenaline surge panic attacks through the entire first trimester.
Thirdly, good luck with the final stretch (pun intended).
Fourthly, he is a cutie patootie.
@Donotbelieve Wow! Five! I thought we were brave/foolish with four. Definitely sending some strength and endurance your way.
@Donotbelieve I had no idea you were pregnant! Good luck on yet another new adventure