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Something wrong with the Judicial System in ameriKKKa.

GipsyOfNewSpain 9 Dec 11

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This is what happens when political friends use their power to place idiots in power.


I agree that the judicial system is biased towards rich white male. No question about it. However, I've also seen what I believed to be instances of 1) innocent people pleading guilty to something less because the consequences of going to trial would be too enormous; 2) difficulty in obtaining a guilty verdict against a guilty defendant because of the problems of evidence; and/or 3) rational decisions by the prosecutors to offer something less than the original charge because of the potential weakness of the proof.

There is no perfect justice. Far from it. But based on the scanty picture this article presents, I am going to withhold judgment on this one.

But the real problem is not this rich white man receiving this light sentence. The real problem is the poor black men getting hammered in the hands of the "justice" based on skimpy evidence.

The Consequence of the Poor taking a Bargain Deal it is Always the Same... No Funding for Adequate (Rich Style) Defense.


If you are rich and a white male, then there is nothing wrong with it.

True Statement about Privilege in ameriKKKa.

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