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What's your dream job?

Redcupcoffee 7 Feb 14

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I already have my dream job, I just wish being a local musician paid more and had a better benefit package. ๐Ÿ˜‰

My "day job" isn't bad, but I'd be ok with another 10 - 20k.

Iโ€™m with ya... Iโ€™m glad itโ€™s fun because it sure doesnโ€™t cover the bills!


The extra cash and free drinks certainly help, though ๐Ÿ˜‰


Beer taste tester.


I diid my dream job for 45 years. I was a computer guy. I programmed as well as hardware repair and installation. Never worked a day in my life, just played with my computers. Still play with them in retirement.


I want to sit on a mountainside and make my pottery and people somehow know when I'm cracking open the kiln. They just show up, line up with their money and I put toasty warm pots in their hands! After all the pots have been adopted, I make more. And people just seem to know when to show up with their money!! It's a sweet deal if you can get it.


Biblical historian, scholar, with an emphasis on the literary aspects of early Christianities. Great atheist carrier!

@David1955 Yes the employment prospects would be.... I'd just have to write some books.



@Redcupcoffee prostitution is illegal, but being a lawyer, get paid to fuck over people, perfectly legal!

I had a bad childhood with few defenders. I like the idea of defending people who canโ€™t defend themselves. @Redcupcoffee

Thatโ€™s a little ridiculous. @HeyHiHullo

@Gatovicolo Just a little? So does it mean it is more true than inaccurate? Simply seeking clarification of reply intent ๐Ÿ˜‰


My dream job, is a job that pays me long after Iโ€™m done. One that I enjoy doing for me and no boss to tell me the TPS report is due. lol. Hence the reason Iโ€™ve taken up writing.


Ring announcer...


My dream job is to be an astrobiologist. I'll be applying to astrobiology graduate programs at the end of this year.

Marz Level 7 Feb 14, 2018

Photographer's assistant. Dusting sand from the derriere a of swim suit model.


Author, but I'd like to earn more at it.


Novelist, probably.


To be able to do a variety of things at my own pace. Not have to worry about someone standing over me telling me what to do and take as many breaks as I want. Oh wait, I do volunteer work so I have my dream job(s).


Great pay and bennies, very little and easy actual work. lol


Not really sure... but to anyone answering... what are you doing to make your dream job a reality?

@Redcupcoffee yup, EXACTLY!

@Shawappa44820 got a long way to go to catch Sansweet!


3rd world development, using the best of the global business, ecological and social systems. Turn an African country into a hub of business, education and art. Repeat


I've always wanted to be a personal assistant for a woman of power & influence . Like a glorified stay at home husband I guess . (Really reaching out there . . .)

Dougy Level 7 Feb 16, 2018

@Redcupcoffee Well , I sent you a message a couple of weeks ago . This site still has it's bugs , so it could have failed to notify you , as it has me & others . Checkout my Bio here & get back with me . We have a lot in common :๐Ÿ˜€

@Redcupcoffee I like that you live in a northern state , have you considered living further north like the UP or Maine ? I'm not rushing either , just curious .

@Redcupcoffee Not sure if you saw this post , I just transferred it to my FB Page . Hope it helps :^,



Playing for the New York Yankees.

Writing songs that popular artists sing. If I was a good enough singer then it would be on stage at Madison Square Garden.


Anything I love doing is ruined when it becomes a full time job. Cooking, gardening, acting, writing have all been life passions dulled by obligations. I fear a job no matter how dreamy will always be just another job I reality. The only exception was when I stayed home with my daughter for the first three yrs.I had two other children in school as well. I was able to entertain all my passions while passing them to the next generation. I guess homemaker is my dream job.


Not having one.


Studying invertebrates on tropical islands, mostly marine invertebrates but a few aquatic and terrestrial but for variety.


Defense Attorney


I'm working it. I'm an independent salesforce consultant -- system administrator, analyst, developer. The platform is fun to work with and unbelievably feature-rich. I help small businesses and nonprofits get a handle on their information and operations. I have complete control over how much I work in any given week, and no commute becase SF is all online. I don't see myself retiring because I'm having too much fun.


Ring announcer...


Living in the jungles of India or in Africa helping orphaned or needy elephants or and other animals. al I would want is food and water and shelter

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