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People who use "busy" to feign being important.

Since I've moved I've noticed a decrease in this which is good, but for awhile I felt I was surrounded by people who were always just "so busy." I was working full time and working on my doctorate degree full time (pretty darn busy), yet always found time to see a movie or go out to eat with these same friends who would respond "I'm just so busy" if I suggested or asked for time to see a movie or dinner. It didn't take much for me to realize what was really going on. I was being used as a means to create their delusion of self-importance.

Anyone else have these types in their life? What's with this?

linxminx 8 Dec 15

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Used to know a few, not any more. One of us ended up kicking the other to the curb. I hate arrogant, self-deluded types.


Well.... the bottom line is do you really want to spend time with people who refuse to make room for you?
I'm a slow processor socially speaking and know I can come off this way when really I've just got too much on my mind/life and don't feel like I'm good company when in those mindsets.
Also some ppl "vibrate" at different rates. I've given up however on those who like to say things like "we should hang out!!!!" x 1,000,000.
E.g.(hair dresser for years, then when I'm up for it timing is NEVER right)... besides, the math with her was never there. She has a whole family, works a ton, & has siblings she's close to. I get it, but don't string me. May also be a mixing business & pleasure factor also, I get that too, but guess what, after the eleventy billionth time we've asked for a "swing bob" & gotten something like a shag I just wrote her off as trying to get us to "fire" her.
But I'll miss her.... such is life.

@CoastRiderBill Maybe... idk
I'm stupid honest. "Been in a funk" but thank you.
Me: "I been so busy being crazy in a funk". I need to scrub out the tub now, ok thx. ( jk )


It is very common for those who feel inferior to attach themselves to those who they deem superior. This normally lasts until the person recognizes they cannot keep up with this person in conversation, ideas, their likes, hobbies etc.Sometimes they may be embarrassed in a situation and that will end the relationship. However sometimes they really make great friends and one can be very lucky to have them.


Eh, not always that, I think. I've been struggling with depression and days in which I have two appointments to go to feel overwhelmingly busy to me. Before a couple of appointments a week could make me feel like that. Some people might be trying to build themselves up but some might just struggle to cope with life in general.

Do you struggle with motivation, and anxiety surrounding either motivation, or lack thereof? I do, and I struggle with severe depression as well.

@TDSkully Yup. It sucks.

@Meili, it does indeed.


Indeed. My little brother is always talking about how he’s a workaholic and is never idle; however, we were business partners at one time, and I know he’s not constantly hooked up as he skillfully makes it appear. He uses the “I’m just so busy” excuse, or cites not having time for a lot of things to make himself seem or sound “so much more important” than others. I pursued my undergrad degree full time while working 50-60 hours a week in a psychiatric hospital, yet I could still answer my phone, return texts, etc. ??

@linxminx, I’m thinking there’s probably a correlation between this behavior and Christian dominant capitalistic societies, but I could be could be wrong. The reason I say this is because we’re taught either directly or indirectly that idle hands “are the devil’s workshop,” or that bigger is better, be it bigger house, car, paycheck, title, what have you. We’re bombarded with the idea that we’re never to be satisfied with adequate, and if we do, we’re somehow weak for it. Just my thoughts on it, strictly esoterically speaking. ??

@linxminx, thank you for the acknowledgement. It’s one of the “sins” that the Bible mentions pretty often along with lust, idolatry, and some of the other “good old Judeo-Christian favorites.” That being the case, one can’t let themselves look like they’re slothful, lest their Christian contemporaries judge them as sinful and unfit for the big social club fellowship. ??

@TDSkully Sounds like the bullshit of Calvinism to me, which is a disgusting strain of Christianity not only because it over-glorifies work, but it also exalts greed as good and the wealthy as automatically more virtuous and worthy of respect and admiration because God made them wealthy, etc. What rubbish, as the Brits say.

@TomMcGiverin, agreed. Calvinism is elitist by its nature in a lot of ways though. Only certain people are called by god to salvation. I guess that makes the rest of “his creation” a waste of time and flesh. I followed and believed a lot of the teachings typically evangelical. Then when you really think about the absurdity of so much of it, it’s confounding. ??

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