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It's interesting how everyone's version of god is so very much like them....

Realist9 6 Dec 15

Enjoy being online again!

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I see that as the way people look at religion as some deity projecting down on it's followers, but it could more along the lines of followers projecting out and then calling it god.


That is an interesting bit. For i think the only still-existing god is Loki. God of mischief and shit.

And now your telling me that Loki is a reflection of me.

That explains everything.


I'm non-existent

lerlo Level 8 Dec 15, 2018

Yeah. My god is my exact age, goes by my name, and looks exactly like me, except his right is my left, and his left is my right. He appears to me every time I look up from the bathroom sink. He does everything I do. When I brush my teeth, he brushes his. When I comb my hair, he combs his. When I jerk off, he does, too. 😛

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