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A nun to her disciple: "Listen, what do you want to be when you grow up?"
Little girl :"A prostitute!!!"
The nun passes out.
When the nun recovers: "Listen, child, what did you say you want to be when you grow up?"
"A prostitute!"
"Ah! What a relief!!! I thought you had said" protestant "!"

Paddypereira 7 Dec 16

Enjoy being online again!

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I had a student once tell me she was going to be a drug dealer. I feel "a little" bad as I made her cry. I didn't come into education right out of high school. Did other stuff including the military, etc. And I've been down the drug route. I told her she would get eaten up and spit out. Her facade of black clothing didn't hide a naive young women who would be taken advantage of.

The voice of experience speaking louder... People many times don't take listening to those things well.


That one is as old as the hills in this part of the world!

I believe you. Always get a laugh from people here in Ireland with this.

@Paddypereira Oh, Yes they don’t mind laughing at themselves.

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