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This is an end of the year where people are generally distracted and the powers that be take advantage of it by fiddling while they watch Rome burn. Maybe, however, you can contact your Senators to stop this bill from going through? #libraryfunding #copyrightneutrality []

PenLOP 7 Dec 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Not only in the US.

I know. It’s been a sad handful of decades for democracies around the world.


And, now, the award for punniest username...

I do hope you'll consider joining "PUNdamental PORTMANTEAUtalitarianism" πŸ˜€


Holding up reauthorization of the MLSA (Museum and Library Services Act) in the House... after it has already been unanimously passed in the Senate? And politicizing the Copyright office? Could this be part of the continuing strategy of dumbing-down America?

Yeah. I thought so too.


All kinds of terrible bills get tacked on this time of year. Especially in a lame duck Congress.

Yes, this time around it just seems so much more painful.

@PenLOP yes it does. Republicans everywhere are trying to put in place apartheid rules so they can continue in power to rape the country for as long as possible. Even the old time, used to be moral at least, conservatives have gone over to the dark side.

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