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My Monday face.

Amzungu 8 Dec 17

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A 35 year old woman who worked for us once said. "I used to hate Mondays, but last night I suddenly thought 'Monday tomorrow - I'll be going to work'' and I looked forward to it."
What a fantastic compliment that was.

It's Monday and I'm smiling. Proof I don't hate them all. ?

@Amzungu2 I smile every day, except that some smiles, on closer inspection, are grimaces. I definitely don'LMt grimace where you are concerned.


The coffee I can handle. The minute I go gangsta, a hip's gonna get broken.


Sorta the way I taught my 2 daughters to be strong powerful vegan beautiful and kick rapists in the balls twist and break a penis in half if one comes anywhere near her in the back seat of a car like 18 yr old RAPIST KAVANAUGH did to innocent Christine Blasey age 15


I enjoy my job and Tuesday is my first day, so I have a happy face.


Not my favorite music, but full speed ahead ?

Mine either, the reality is more a Latin dance vibe, but the face is spot on. ?

@Amzungu2 got it ?

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