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So I'm headed on a cruise in a few days. It'll be just me and my best friend, originally we had asked another friend from college to join us and due to scheduling issues she couldn't I'm glad she's not joining us. Today she posted one of those BS copy and paste if your a true believer things. I'll just copy/paste it

"I want to say something about the spirituality debate. You don't believe in God? That's OK, that’s your God-given choice, but why is it so important for many of you to mock those of us that do? If we're wrong, what have we lost when we die? Nothing! How does our faith in Jesus Christ bring you any harm? You think it makes me stupid? Gullible? Ignorant? That's okay, too. How does that affect you? If you're wrong your consequence is far worse. I would rather live my life believing in God and serving Him, and find out I was right, than not believe in Him and not serve Him, and find out I was wrong. I believe in Jesus Christ!
He said deny Me in front of your friends & I will deny you in front of my Father. If you believe, I challenge you to copy and paste to your Timeline. Finally a #FacebookChallenge that is truly a challenge."

I'm not an overly outspoken athiest but this stupid shit pisses me off and here's why. I've known her for 9ish years, I don't know if she knows I'm an athiest or not, I don't go around yelling it at everyone but what gets me is that this is the kind of bull post that no one did anything to her to make her post. It's the kind of post that drags athiests/agnostics/ect through the mud but suggests that we did something to them.
I don't shout my lack of beliefs from roof tops, in fact I don't usually discuss it at all unless it's with someone I'm close to or someone who I know is like me and even then I honestly feel like I mostly just reserve these conversations for on here, so it makes it more hurtful when people post propaganda against a group I consider myself to be a part of when I go out of my way to not push my lack of beliefs on others, to not make fun of them, especially because I am that person that has "smart" comments to go back at people with. I think I started just ranting somewhere along in this and I know it's a stupid FB post and it shouldn't bother me but some days things get under my skin easier than others. I know when she posted it she didn't see it as offensive, she probably assumed she had no non believers on her page (and no this isn't one of those things where I'm being overly sensitive and think she should have thought about others feelings) I honestly just don't understand why that kind of post needs to exist, religious posts are one thing but there was no need to drag another group into it.

Update: I posted this comment
"When I first read this post I'm not going to lie I felt mad because I was kind of hurt but I took the time to sit and think about it and there's a couple things I want to say because I don't know if you knew this or not but I am an athiest. 1. I'm sorry if my fellow non believers have been mean or rude or condescending to you in any way. I don't often openly discuss my lack of beliefs because of how people tend to react when I tell them and I'm sorry if others have made you feel bad for having your beliefs. As a group athiests do not condone acting in that way but of course the bad seeds tend to be the loudest 2. I hope you can look back on how long we've known each other and see the example I try to set for my fellow non believers and 3. Most of us, I can't say all but most of us live as humanists so we truly believe in doing good and being good for the simple reason that this is our one and only life. If you ever have questions about non believers I'm always glad to answer them. Luv ya chick."

& The response she gave back:
"Ashley, I've known you were atheist since we first met in good old Macon GA. This was a Facebook challenge I had to do for me as a believer. I'm always open to having discussions about faith or the lack thereof. Let's talk sometime after your cruise vacation I still wish I was going on lol"

Gypsy31771 6 Dec 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Enjoy your cruise. I have some shallow friends, you do too. Half the stuff posted on FB has no relevance to the poster or reader. Some ppl don't even have the capacity to understand any other reality. .. So... Just have fun!


AAK! I would have a field day with this person. . .

"God-given choice"? No. Holy Fallacy of poisoning the well. God, rather the lack of a god, had nothing to do with choice to find no supporting/testable evidence to confirm your asserted but not supported god exists.

      • I could go on and fill a page or two but rather sure you share the same face-palm response. I openly attack, point by point - each and every face-palm assertions when I encounter such lame theists.
  • Once had a Catholic ask to be my friend on Facebook. I warned her this would not be in her best interest. As predicted she posted a Catholic Anti-Choice meme and I slaughtered her. She left in tears.

If your friend is, simple (not very bright) or mentally not healthy, emotionally dependent, I would consider finding a more suitable person to share your life with. If she is just a maul-informed theist. May be fun to school her.

I would also be very glad she is not joining you on your vacation. Usually takes a few hundred hours of work to fix theists that are that deluded.

That's the exact kind of reply I don't do. I don't want them preaching at me so I don't tell them every reason their wrong, to me it's the same thing. I'm not trying to turn others into athiests or argue but again that's just me.

@Gypsy31771 I've de-converted a few theists back into atheists.

@NoMagicCookie so they were athiests who started believing and then you got them to go back to being athiests? They sound very confused

@Gypsy31771 Sounds like you missed the point. Theism is a learned behaviour. Although Catholics, Muslims etc. will claim their new born is a Catholic, the belief in the supernatural sky daddy is a learned behaviour. i.e. we are all born atheists. Those I helped enjoy the light of reason over the darkness of superstition were deeply indoctrinated with their faith based dogma rich superstition.


If you're wrong you wasted a lot of time and energy for nothing. If we're wrong there is no downside because god's plan is god's plan and no amount of praying can change it

lerlo Level 8 Dec 17, 2018

My mother used to ask me what I would say to God if in the end it turned out I was wrong and god was real. I told her "I'm a good person, that's all I try to be, if god can stand before me and condemn me to hell for simply not believing in him then that is a vain god and I'd rather be in hell with all the other good people"


It might be worthwhile to address the post with her after you get back from your cruise. Maybe that would be a good time to "come out" to her and let her know that--while you don't feel her post was directed at you personally--it did bother you because it implies certain things about "many" Atheists, which is completely inaccurate, and not accurate about you. Or you could just let the whole thing go and wait for a more opportune time. Have fun on your cruise! They are a total blast!

Don’t do it!!!!

@darthfaja too late

@Gypsy31771 wrong or right I believe you will only be successful in driving home how accurate her perception of why Aethism is wrong and the passive aggressiveness of Christianity is right.
Explaining to Christians why their belief system is intrusive is never worth it in the end. They can’t understand the logic and I mean this: THEY CAN NOT
Asking someone to understand simple reason when they hold the ‘faith’ card is just not possible to them
Therefor it’s just not worth it

Ignore it
Move on
My 2 cents

@darthfaja I don't aim to show them they are wrong in their faith, I tend to think that's rude. I don't like them preaching at me about my lack of beliefs so I don't preach at them about how their beliefs are wrong, rather I focused on reminding her that athiests are people and should be thought of with respect. I offered an apology if a non-believer had treated her badly and just asked that she look back at our friendship to know that not all athiests act some kind of way, that we are individuals just like Christians are and everyone acts differently, we shouldn't all be lumped in a category. Unfortunately, the response I got back was still just a push off

@Gypsy31771 unfortunately doesn’t surprise me, after all we’re going to burn in Hell


Post this!


Beliefs and how people chose to react towards or against, I truly don't care a single bit at all. Now, the cruise, that's a different story !!!!... Where are you headed??? Do tell !!!!!


@Gypsy31771 Nice !!! Enjoy the weather and all activities on board. Come back safe and sound and tell us stories


I mean yeah I guess
Technically she’s not wrong
If we are wrong
It’s gonna be a rough go for us in the end!


Please put quote marks around your friend's anti-atheist rant. I thought you wrote that.

Glad you are not going to be stuck on a cruise with her. Or worse, sharing a room.



Send this meme to her.


I cannot think of anything more annoying than being trapped on a cruise with someone I cannot stand. So this is ... a good thing.

Religious people have hard time imagining the horrors that their religion has caused in the past, is continuing to cause in the present, and is likely to cause in the future. They are oblivious to the harm that it is causing them. I think I am pretty inoculated against it, but I wouldn't want to be around someone in full bloom with the symptoms of it.... I used to be a fairly outspoken anti-theist, but I am just tired of them now. I wonder, whether they will see this comment as "mocking" them....

I updated the post with my comment to her and her comment back and I have to say now I'm really glad she's not coming on the cruise with us. Not that her reply was mean but knowing her I know the condescending tone behind it and I'm kind of done with her


Perhaps you should leave a comment asking how come she didn’t know you are an atheist after all these years if this is what atheists do.

I did end up leaving a comment. I told her I apologized if a non-believer had treated her badly and that I hoped she could look back on our friendship and see the example I try to set for other non believers like myself


I'm not going to elaborate in depth, but according to most religions even if you believe in a god you're still going to hell if it's not the one true god, or if you pray the wrong way or misinterpret its vague and contradictory teachings.

There are numerous sites that debunk Pascal's wager and could explain to her exactly what she loses. The biggest for me is that you live a lie denying yourself pleasures in your real life for rewards in an imaginary afterlife.

I think you should consider yourself lucky that she's not going.

JimG Level 8 Dec 17, 2018

You consider not being her friend anymore. She showed her true colors with that post. If that person doesn't know your an atheist, tell her and give her dose of reality.


We've got to all stop blaming everyone for everything because of shared labels, and we've got to stop acting as if we're all united behind a common label as well.

It was a small minded act to post that and honestly there are quite a few theists who create and share posts like that because of their insecurities, and there's a lot of atheists who do the same. She may just have felt particularly stubborn that day and decided she wanted to share it or maybe an atheist somewhere was rude to her. Either way IMHO give her the benefit of the doubt as a friend. Good Luck.


" It'll be just me and my best friend, originally we had asked another friend from college to join us and due to scheduling issues she couldn't join.."

So you got room for a replacement third?

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