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New investigative reports about the astounding extent of Russian social media campaigns against Americans in the 2016 election season---and beyond. I heard many, many people on both the Right and the Left dismiss the idea that the Russian interference could possibly have swung the presidential election, choosing instead to blame the less-than-warm-and-fuzzy Hillary Clinton (remember her, the flawed candidate who nevertheless won 2.9 million more votes than our dear President Cheeto?
Check out this ABC report. Rachel Maddow has a lot on this report, too.

MikeInBatonRouge 8 Dec 18

Enjoy being online again!

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The unforeseen consequences of social media are amazing.


First;, I do not believe that many (if any) people on the left dismiss he evidence on Russian interference. And, most of those on the right know that the reports are true, but do not want to admit that they have been dumb enough to be suckered by the Russians.

They dismiss the extent of impact. Read below. A couple responses on this very thread seem to do just that.

@jorj History is going to prove you dead wrong!


This is going to go for a long time.


My somewhat morbid focus on this topic has largely to do with my fear that Russia is far from finished with this tactic; rather, that 2016 was just a warm-up, and once Putin saw how pathetic American retaliatory measures would be, he was only more emboldened to poison our entire democratic process. What are we as an entire nation going to do about this?

@MikeInBatonRouge What are we going to do about it? Continue with our partisan blame game. Just read the comments.

Its happening in Canada too..

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