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Another school shooting. Another useless round of "thoughts and prayers." Here is a photo that shows a mother, having clearly been to a Lenten service, in the aftermath of that shooting. I'm just a teensy bit UPSET about the idea that religion has anything to fucking do with 17 more school children FUCKING DEAD. <sorry, end rant, for now>

poetdi56 7 Feb 15

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Yes, it does stop people looking in the direction of the people who own and make guns. if there was an allfuckingmighty why did this even happen?


Maybe the catholics will start Gunpowder Thursday, maybe that would help.


For various reasons, I actually do own a small caliber handgun that I purchased from a licensed gun shop with proper background checks in place (let's not even discuss the gun show loophole yet). I took the training they offered as well. Note carefully I mentioned proper background checks and training.

There is so much more to say on this issue. Agreed on the mental health issue, 100%. Also, we must remember how easy it is for people to "legally" get a gun, especially through gun shows. Legislation is needed to close those loopholes.

If one needs a license to own a car - or a boat or motorcycle - with associated insurance!!!! why not guns?


THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS: The standard answer of apologists for the gun manufacturers' lobby. One more example of religion being used to pacify the public in the face of outrageous injustice.
Another Huff Post headline this morning pointed out President Trump crippled an Obama gun safety policy just a couples months back, making it even harder to stop violently mentally ill people from legally purchasing guns, and he had the gall to tweet that students should have done more to report him before the incident. This despite the fact he HAD BEEN REPORTED to police multiple times, and they were aware, but without having committed a crime he could not be deprived of his "freedoms." I say that in derisive quotation marks, because apparently in America, one of our most defended freedoms is the "freedom" to be mowed down by assault weapons when we are just minding our own damned business. FUCKING POLITICIANS!


Not to "politicize" this, but

Are you kidding me???? You said "not to politicize this" so please DON'T. Not helpful.

@poetdi56 I think this is a step towards a solution. Do you want more dead kids?


My Facebook and Twitter are filled with "thoughts and prayers" for the victims right now. Not any ideas how to prevent these shootings in the future. Just thoughts and prayers.


What I want to know from them is how do explain the fact that their god didn't prevent any of these events? I know they can't answer that, I also know their god is fiction.
I just want to see them try to justify their bullshit.

"He has a plan" or "Only He understands" -comments from revealed religion folks that support idiocy and supposedly are provided to comfort, and (what appears to be) avoid accountability of any kind. I am unsure how saying these things can be comforting to anyone. Unfortunately it's a cesspool cycle and completely unhelpful to the issue at hand.

@MyLiege Yeah, I'm not accepting those answers anymore. I am demanding they start putting more thought into spewing their bullshit. I'm planning to start a lot of arguments. The cycle MUST end.

@KKGator Exactly. It's all doublespeak from them.

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