If I have the intention of dating, should I reveal that I am unemployed, have learning difficulties and is being assessed for Autism in January? I'm worried that it might be off-putting. Maybe it puts up a social barrier? I put this info on other dating sites like Match.com and plenty of fish but no one really messaged me. Maybe I should keep quiet about things like that until get to know someone better?
Thanks to everyone for taking the time to respond. I was hesitant to even ask the question first but I will take your advice on board. Just to be clear I haven't been assessed for Autism yet but I've been to an Autism support group and described my behaviour and I was told that I have autistic traits.
I feel all those things are better left for when you actually meet someone, if even then. I also don't feel we owe someone new a medical report before we meet them either. Those things and what you shared should wait until the second or third time you meet. If you shared the things you've mentioned, of course all the women blew you off. No need to help your competition like that.
It's none of their business, just as if you had a job your salary would be none of their business. Does it change who you are as a person? Now if you want to weed out the shallow gold-diggers and use it as a shit test for them...then I say leave it.
As far as the Autism...it doesn't sound like you have been diagnosed, so what are you revealing exactly...you might or might not have something? Again, for initial contact online and first date - it's none of their business, unless again, you want to shit test the shallow or judgmental people out and not waste your time on someone who can't give you the respect to find out who you are as a person first.
you just did!
to tell you the truth, if i were dating, i wouldn't look at people's profiles unless i liked what they said on subjects other than dating, on the community side of this site. once i got to know and like someone that way and we began to message, i would be less put off (if put off at all) by any of those things it is up to you whether to put them on your profile, but don't let the profile be all there is, yes? put yourself out there! comment on people's posts on topics that interest you, and make posts on topics that interest you. once someone gets to know you they can decide how much those other elements do or don't matter. they don't have to define you.
He seems to be talking about paid dating sites, not here. Different approaches for different sites.
@TomMcGiverin no, he is asking about here, and saying what he has already done on other sites.
@genessa Maybe, went back and looked at his original post, seemed kind of ambiguous. Doesn't matter to me now, done here.
I'd say since learning disabilities and autism are only part of who you are, save that info for one on one contact with someone you'd like to get to know better. Both affect how you learn but not your IQ level, neither of which you will want to lead with. As for employment, I would recommend that you not lie about your situation. You aren't obligated, but don't lie. It's a temporary situation (unless it's not.) ??
I met someone on this site in February of last year (DharmaBum50), and we have slowly gotten to know each other. We plan on living together come this June. If you know what you want, this site can help you get it. Good luck and enjoy the journey.
If you never try,you'll never know,it will bother you all of your days,lots of "If only's, and would of's,could of's and should of's"
I agree with @Ginakay. I admire your desire for upfront honesty, but some of those things may be seen as 'undesirable' and affect others willingness to engage when thrown right out on your profile. Like she said, allow things to come up naturally in conversation and remain honest in your responses. You may have a job by the time you connect with someone, your testing may come out more positively than you think, none of these things need to be worn as a label on your shirt. Allow someone to get to know you and decide for themselves if they like you as you are.
I don't see the need to reveal any of that in a profile. You're selling yourself. Pick out good things to say about yourself initially. Once you're in chatting stage with someone, or doing some phone time, let that information unfold organically, if it comes up. Good luck !
I wouldn't put any of that in your profile, or even in any early messaging, unless they ask. Don't lie. If you start talking to someone by phone, the conversarion will probably come around to what you do for a living. Again don't lie. You can bring up the Autism test and learning disabilities after youve known someone a little while. You just don't have to lead with them.