A friend I knew back in my high school days recently told me not to long ago that he found Jesus. I asked him if he had passed him on the way to my house. My friend looked at me with a perplexed look and said Jesus is with us always. To which I replied, ‘No, Jesus lives two doors down. If you’d like to meet him, I can introduce you. But I hope you speak Spanish, cause he don’t speak much English.’ I don’t know why my friend don’t speak to me that much.
My late partner once had 3 Jesus' in her class. When ever one of them was called Jesus (the way we pronounce) it he would cry and say my name is hasus (Spanish pronunciation).
A joke I heard in "The Atheist Bible" asked if Jesus was supposed to be from the middle East why does he have a Mexican name?
A friend had a bumper sticker that said, in bold, "I found Jesus" but in small print "he's drunk in the back seat".
One thing people seldom realize is that Christ is not a name (otherwise the parents would be Joseph and Mary Christ). It is a title. The correct term should be Jesus 'the' Christ (which is still wrong as he was no Christ).
I have a friend who named her cat Jesus.
Odd, when I was in Middle school I named a Kitten Satan, on Christmas.
Was not my kitten. I found it in a snowbank on the way to the store to get smokes for my mother in the early 70's, mewling. Someone had thrown it out to freeze on Christmas Morning, a little black Kitten with Yellow eyes.
I cam back with my mothers smokes and the Kitten she was Pissed "where did that come from, find a home for it", I promised I would when school started. She asked me to name it and I said "Satan, who else do the Good Christian townsfolk throw out to freeze to death on Christmas?"
She never let me get rid of the cat and kept it for years . . .
Aw! Quit messing with the sincere little Christians. They don't know any better, and mean well. They think they are saving their souls and should help you save yours.