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I'm the only atheist in my family and, believe it or not, have no real atheist friends. It makes for a lonely holiday season. I join my Christian family in celebrating Christmas, although while they're celebrating the birth of christ, I'm more along the lines of Santa, Rudolph, and all things secular. If you're surrounded by theists at the holidays, what coping strategies have you come up with?

Ohyeahwright 4 Dec 22

Enjoy being online again!

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We're fortunate to have basically zero theists to deal with at Christmas.

The closest I came was that a friend mentioned his wife had taken a trip several hundred miles away to see a play entitled Jesus. I thought it was mildly amusing that she went to this other city to see Jesus. It was a play on words. But he felt he had to pass that on to his wife, who is way more thin-skinned than her almighty sky wizard theoretically should be, because now she's offended at my statements. I told my friend it was an obvious pun, and I think Jesus can handle it, even if some of his followers can't.

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