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Do you hate or love the way emotions can color a day? When I am happy m83 songs scream in my head and the entire world looks like a giant multi-colored-never-melting-ever-illuminating popsicle but on bad days? Every moment of every second feels like all the horrible exorcist scenes rolled into on cement textured enema with my name on it...

Lightbright 4 Dec 22

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I usually moderate my emotional state with few variations. Once had a significant other like woman who was manic-depressive. When she reached a manic state, I would feel sorry for her because the depressive state would be equally severe - - and greatly damaging.


Some days are good and some days are... not so good. It's really important for me to be able to discern the difference between the reality in the world and the one in my head.


The following quote presents a good reason for not letting emotions {feelings} color your day.

"It is amazing how many people seemingly cannot tell the difference between 'X is true' and 'It is desirable that people should believe that X is true'. Or maybe they don't really fall for this logical error, but simply rate truth as unimportant compared with 'human feelings'. I don't want to decry human feelings; But let's be clear, in any particular conversation, what are we talking about: feelings, or truth. Both may be important, but they are not the same thing." -Richard Dawkins-


I can imagine that enema with your name beautifully engraved, maybe in 24k gold. It changes everything..


Some days can be that way.


That screams "I'm bipolar" as loud as can be.

Leaving now.


I can't let emotions color my day, sounds a bit detrimental.

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