Being a free thinking humanist, one must learn to see the good in all men . We must not eradicate hope although corrupt political machines use hope bravery and other ideas like APPL pie and courage to lie cheat and decieve us.
Being a skeptical free thinking humanist means we are good people. On the side of the greater good in the world. Helping animals, nature and humanity survive and be fruitful to keep the dark Ness, anger and nihilism of world nuclear Holocaust at Bay.
Being a free thinker means you are a good person. Do what you know is right. Even if it's invisible.
Be kind.
Be merciful.
Be honest.
Be nice.
Be kind to thyself.
Never ever surrender thy dignity.
Jesus was an anarchist, that's why he got shot by the pigs man!!! Jedi training is nonstop
Judging people is difficult, but necessary for happiness. I don't judge all people as being good. The biblical advice, “Judge not, that ye be not judged” is immoral. It is used by people who expect the same in return. Living a moral life is difficult, but necessary for happiness.