I Reckon Indonesia better start Building Walls Now!!!!
Indonesia has more problems than just natural disasters that's for sure. It's always been a volatile nation since I was born and living there as a child. My family moved out of the country because people were bombing schools with little children in them!!!! A wall, impossible though it would be, might only stave off natural disasters, not the human made ones.
I was being Sarcastic... I am an Islander Myself. Growing up to Adulthood Fearing that big Storm to end All Storms... and it came Maria to Puerto Rico. Mother Nature Can Cause a Lot of Pain. But I was Way Gone Many times gone. Sometimes I Wish I would had be there.
That is not possible Indonesia consist of 17 508 islands.
I am Making fun of trump's Wall. Every time a Hispanic is accused of the Crime... he Thinks a Southern Border Wall would had Stopped the Crime from Happening. Peace.