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We should all be a little selective ...

Cutiebeauty 9 Dec 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Or a phone with slow data rates, bringing up graphics on-line.
I know, I have such a phone ?


That would have ruled out my ex!


Not sure I would have bought it if he didn't have the pipe in his hand. 🙂
You know what they say about pipes, gives a wise man time to think and an idiot something to put in his mouth

lerlo Level 8 Dec 24, 2018

A great test! Lol


But I find ladies who swear like a well educated sailor quite the turn on, so works for me.


They’d turn and run out the door. No patience for slow technology at. At my age I don’t have time to wait.


Ain't happening with slow or high speed internet. F××k THAT! lol


Or see how they deal with lost luggage, or how they treat waiters/waitresses, or how they treat animals.....


I’m unmarriageable then. But I knew that, I’m high maintenance and proud if it.

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