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All tonight we solemnly celebrate the birth of the man that truly changed humanity in the most profound possible way forever !!! Sir Isaac Newton

IamNobody 8 Dec 24

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And apparently the site found it necessary to put his picture on my profile

lerlo Level 8 Dec 25, 2018

Yes, I noriced that. Good for !!!!!

@IamNobody but it's a dating site, I don't want to have to compete with him haha

@lerlo No need to worry about him, I don't think he ever had time for a girlfriend anyway


the gravity of this event is often missed

Ahhhhh... Good one !!!!!!!! ?


Newton was born on the 4th of January. Why celibate tonight?

The Julian Calendar was used at that time. So his birthday was on 25th Dez.

@Dietl hats off to you, that is correct !!!

@Tompain1 I think you're right about one thing, he was celibate ....not sure though, I wasn't there


Annie Lennox!

...........I don't think she is a man, gee I hope NOT !! ??? ( If it's her birthday then happy birthday to the super cool and talented Annie, no doubt)


Happy Birthday Isaac!!!


And Humphrey Bogart. 😛


Neil deGrasse Tyson!

He brought it up a while a ago, still a true fact this year

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