For anyone who is interested, these are the people (and a dog) that I lost this year, in a span of five months. They were Geary Caldwell, (the one with the long dark hair) Roger Hagley, the big guy that plays bass (him and Geary and I were in band together a few years ago, along with Jamie Robinson, all of whom are dead except me) Don Gallion, seated to the right in the restaurant picture, and Dean Neal, the blonde guy. And of course, Joe, my German Shepherd. I could go on about all of them and what they meant to me...
It's not difficult to tell from the pictures here that they all meant a lot to you. So very sorry you're experiencing so much loss in such a short time.
Thank you.
A lot of loss in a short time. Best wishes for a stable recovery.
Thank you. I'm hanging in there.