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I take an hour walking in the park every morning. Good exercise. I also pick up litter as I go. Sometimes an item of nature looks like litter from a distance, but when I get closer up, I see that it is not.

If it turns out to be a leaf, I say, "It's a leaf, Erikson."

If it turns out to be a stone, I say, "It's a rock, Hudson."

If it turns out to be part of a branch that fell out of a tree, I say, "It's a woody, Harrelson." (I would also use this expression if I ever find a dildo.)

BestWithoutGods 8 Dec 29

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Great I love it when people do that. I also take a plastic bag when I walk the dog and pick up trash. There should be more of us. If you ever would go to Japan you would be amazed. There is not one bit of trash anywhere. Lovely.

Hooray for the Japanese! Tennessee law makes littering a crime, but the police don't enforce it, so people litter with impunity. Ugh. I also carry a plastic shopping bag. I usually fill one (or two) up in an hour of walking. When the previous day had been cold or wet, fewer people go to the park, so I only get half a bag full.

Thank you for picking up litter, too. You are a hero!

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