Are you all aware of the 78 Environmental Rules that the trump regime are reversing or modifying....
Air pollution and emissions - Completed
In process
Drilling and extraction - Completed
Atmospheric Administration - In process
Infrastructure and planning - Completed
ANIMALS - Completed
In process
Toxic substances and safety - Completed
In process
Water pollution - Completed
Other - Completed
In process
Much of what he is trying to do is akin to legislating from the WH - which is against the Constitution. Some of the stuff is making it's way thru the courts as they are being challenged. There is going to be A LOT of stuff to fix once he is gone. Hopefully we can get rid of his gop henchmen also. People have to vote and people have to get involved with finding good candidates to run, candidates that are not bought by big corporate and the wealthy.
This will take us decades to fix. Gawd damned fucking bastard.
Their are like as not only two possible explanations for this behaviour
Let us apply Occam's razor...
Yup...thought so.
I think number 1 has to be the answer - I refuse to think he bears anything in common with me on a molecular (DNA/RNA) or species level.
Wow, a lot of work to write this. Unfortunately, we and our progeny will all suffer in the end including idiot stick and his idiot supporters who think Jesus will come on his (soot covered) white horse.