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What games do you play?

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Annaleda 8 Dec 30

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Scrabble. And I'm damn good.

You can find me on Words With Friends 2 under Annalida loc Mitzen. Believenpeace at Scrabble.

@Annaleda I usually play against the computer, but I may take you up on that.


Always trying to get my son to play a game that doesn't have a screen, but it's a hard sell. Got Exploding Kittens for xmas & need to recruit some other players.


I don't know what most of them are!

I put links to them all.

@Annaleda thank you.

@Spinliesel no problem


I play Sims4, Plants vs Zombies, and Zuma.

Deb57 Level 8 Dec 30, 2018

Voted games I have played and may play again. Currently exploring the galaxy in Elite Dangerous.


I play Star Citizen, but it's been a while.


I would have picked World of Warcraft, but it's not on there.
I did pick elder scrolls, and fallout, but I haven't played either of them in quite a while.


fishdom, scrabble



Why no strip poker? 😟


none of the above. i play howrse, throne: kingdom at war, and more recently also lady popular, which sounds dreadful but it's actually pretty cool (but no version for guys -- at least those who would want male avatars -- as far as i know). i play those on my laptop. i have asthma so despite my tendency to use my phone for (shock of all shocks) phone calls (well, okay, and pictures), i do sit for a time before lying down and play crown (a kind of solitaire), design home and trendy fashion (why do such games have such awful names?) on it. if i don't sit for a while, i can't breathe when i lie down, and if i sit idly, i am bored, so i play those games.



I have had asthma my entire life. I get it. Do you have risers at the head of your bed?

@Annaleda no, but i have sufficient pillows, as long as i'm calm at the time i lie down 🙂)


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