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I almost finished my first Christian movie called "Left Behind". Do people really believe this stuff. I couldn't stop laughing. Nickolas Cage has been in the worse movie he has EVER done. He must be desperate or......Christian...

kgoodyear 6 Dec 30

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I watched that years ago thinking it was a sci fi movie. Found out much later it was a Christian book series.

You're probably thinking of the first film version. That one didn't have Nicholas Cage in it. The Nick Cage version is only a couple of years old.


The only Cage movie I ever really liked was of course the classic "Raising Arizona"

I have found several of his action movies to be good on the level of mindless entertainment. The Rock comes to mind. Con Air and Face/Off weren't bad if you didn't expect more from them than they were designed to provide you. I rather liked Knowing. But ... he's a victim of being basically indifferent to the vehicles he acts in so long as they provide him with income. For some time now, he's been able to be much pickier than he has been about what sorts of projects he offers himself up for involvement in. He seems to regard himself as an actor/technician rather than as an artist. And that's fine if it makes him happy and meets his needs.


I liked Cage in Con Air and the Rock otherwise have not seen many of his movies. No way would I spend time with anything to do with the left behind crap.
I did see the Shack, it was entertaining in an interesting way. I liked the part about God being a big black woman and Jesus was a hottie. It was an interesting move but I do not need religion or a belief to tell me not to judge others, we are all special and to love it so very important for our time on earth.


There's actually been two attempted film versions of the first book in the Left Behind series. Both sucked.

That's probably because the source material sucks. The book is almost Twilight/ Fifty Shades Of Grey level bad. When you start with that level of awful, there's really not much to work with. Crap in = crap out.


Think his face says it all......?

Tilia Level 7 Dec 31, 2018

It's a movie - it either entertains you or it doesn't - aside from that - you take yourself far too seriously.

Ok so who pissed in your Post Toasties this morning.

@kgoodyear I wasn't the one being a drama queen about a movie. If it doesn't entertain find one that does and save us from your petulant whine. You didn't provide a review of the movie you used it as a tool to bash people and likely think you're superior for it.

@SLBushway What a crock of shit.


Nic Cage says yes to anyone who offers him a paycheck. He stopped caring about making quality long ago.

He has company. I love the parody trailer of Die Hard (about 5 min. long) on the website In the trailer it says, "Starring Bruce Willis, back when he still cared...".



Hoo-boy. That is some awful stuff there.


Nicholas Cage a Christain? I find that hard to believe. ???

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