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I have been in many situations so close to death and i was affraid that there is a god and i remember the last situation i was in i forgot everything and kept saying there is no god and i don't know why i did that, what do you guys think

Nabil123 3 Dec 31

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When I have been in situations close to death, I didn't think about God at all. Then again, I was not raised with religion.


The times I have been in extreme danger, none of any of this mattered not a whit. 150% of my being was focused purely on saving my dumb ass. Period.


no gods have ever crossed my mind in times of crisis, even life-and-death crisis. there just isn't any reason to think there might be a god or gods. none. but let's imagine there was a god, and you did die. why would you be afraid? if there is a good god he knows you did your best. if there is a bad god, why care what he thinks?



It seems to me you are not entirely convinced that there is no god. Perhaps another logical assessment of the evidence (or rather lack of evidence) is what you need to do. It sounds like when you fear death may be near, you are still unsure if you have made the right choice in deciding that there is no god, and are afraid that you could be wrong. Doubt is natural, it is belief in an unknown and unsubstantiated being that is unnatural.


What do we think about what?

That your life is filled with perils? So are most lives -- accidents, wars, disease, violence....many of us have been close to death a few times.

That you survived all these close encounters with death? have hundreds of millions of others.

That you are on the fence about your beliefs? Well, then, you need to examine that part of your belief system

There you go then. That's what us "guys" think.

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